Wednesday, March 25, 2009



A rich man upon his death bed told his wife, "This house shall go to you." The wife cried while listening and said, "Please, Master. Don't say anymore." The man continued, "My car shall go to you too." The wife sobbed even further, "Please, don't say again." The old man gasped for a mouthful of breath and said, "Oh yes, I almost forgot. That favourite golf club of mine, I shall leave it to you too. Even if you don't use it, you can pass it to your next husband." This time around, the wife cried out even louder, "Oh Master, please don't say anymore! Rest assured it won't be used, 'cos he's left-handed!"


This is not to ask you to prepare some sort of 'spare tyre'. This message is to remind one that the human body matters most to every single individual. Without the body, any kind of aspiration, goals, dreams and objectives are just empty talk. Only health is the most important. When one puts health as the utmost priority, everything will come in one's way.

《快乐健康法》(Steps To A Happy Healthy Lifestyle)
梁志达 Steven Liang Zhida

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