Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I’m like a canary whose life is committed inside a cage. Although I’m being fed properly with seeds and water everyday, but it’s always the same thing. I have to continuously take good care of the feathers on my body so that I continue to look shiny and beautiful. Sometimes, it takes a few more twitters and a few more melodious tunes to earn something extra and something different from my owner. But I can’t possibly do this everyday or my throat will expire itself before it is supposed to. In the end, I just have to contend with the same seeds and plain water everyday and only get the extras once in a while.

But in God I shall believe, I shall one day bring down, crumble, damage or destroy the cage bars that surround and enclose me to spread my wings and soar high up in the sky. And until that day comes, I SHALL NEVER GIVE UP!

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