Monday, September 13, 2010

Gagasan Malaysia...

9 Ogos 1965, secara berasingan dalam persidangan tergempar Dewan Rakyat di Kuala Lumpur untuk meminda Perlembagaan dan satu temuramah di Radio & Television Singapore (RTS) di Caldecott Hill,

Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj:
“In all the 10 years of my leadership in this house, I have never had a duty so unpleasant as this to perform.”

Lee Kuan Yew:
“All my life, my whole adult life, I have believed in merger and unity of the two territories. We are connected by geography, the economy and ties of kinship. It broke everything we stood for…”

Tinggal lagi tiga hari seluruh tanahair akan menyambut peristiwa penting dalam sejarah 47 tahun yang lalu secara rasmi buat kali pertama. Biarpun aku pernah kata “Langkah mayat aku dulu jika hendak kemuka cadangan kepada aku supaya menukar kewarganegaraan aku”, tapi semakin dekat hari itu menjelang, aku terfikir akan soalan ini, “Apakah Malaysia kita hari ini masih yang diidam-idamkan oleh moyang-moyang kita dahulu?”

Biarpun dihubung oleh dua buah jambatan yang jumlah jaraknya sekitar 3 km, namun kedua-dua belah jambatan dikawal oleh pihak keselamatan berkuasa, mengehadkan orang ramai yang keluar masuk tanah semenanjung dan pulau kepada mereka yang memegang dokumen perjalanan yang sah sahaja. Telah bertahun-tahun penduduk dari kedua-dua berang yang memegang dokumen tersebut merungut terpaksa menghadapi kesesakan lalulintas pada waktu kemuncak saban hari, terutamanya tambak yang dibina pada zaman yang lebih awal itu. Lebih-lebih lagi kini dengan pembinaan kompleks kastam, imigresen dan kuarantin baru di semenanjung yang lebih jauh ke dalam kawasan bandar dan terpaksa dihubung dengan laluan yang bentuknya macam ular terpukau.

Demografi semenanjung dan pulau tidak banyak berbeza. Sama-sama mengenali satu sama lain dengan komposisi etnik yang serupa, kepelbagaian bahasa, budaya, adat resam dan agama yang tiada perbezaan ketaranya. Sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum bahawa kita semua bagaikan “abang adik”. Sama-sama meraikan perpaduan dalam kepelbagaian, padahal boleh jadi tidak kesampaian hati untuk dibelah bahagi, tetapi yang pedihnya telah membiarkan campur tangan politik menyelinap masuk kehidupan para rakyat, mencetuskan rantaian peristiwa yang akhirnya memaksa pembelahan itu mengambil tempatnya dalam catatan sejarah. Seperti apa yang pernah dinyatakan, “Kita dihubungi secara tempat, ekonomi dan talian persaudaraan…”

Mungkin generasi hari ini tidak dapat rasa kepedihan Tunku ketika mengemukakan usul untuk meminda undang-undang tubuh negara yang berdaulat agar mengeluarkan semua perkataan nama “Singapura” yang muncul di dalamnya selepas pindaan terakhir pada 1963. Bukan suruh “keluar” maka keluar, “pisah” maka pisah, tetapi atas dasar agar tiada titisan darah mereka yang tidak berdosa ditumpahkan (walaupun tetap berlaku 4 tahun kemudian). Detik itu sejurus menetapkan hakikat bahawa Malaysia-Singapura tidak terlepas daripada menghadapi nasib yang pernah atau masih menimpa Korea Utara-Korea Selatan, China-Taiwan, Vietnam Utara-Vietnam Selatan serta India-Pakistan.

Bukannya generasi orang tua tidak pernah menyebut kemungkinan penyatuan semula berlaku, tetapi pada ketika kemungkinan itu disebut secara umum, barisan politik tanah besar pula menafikan kemungkinan tanpa betul-betul bertanya kepada rakyat jelata apakah mungkin ianya boleh berlaku. Ada yang mungkin berkeras mulut, tetapi isi hati siapa yang tahu? Mungkin boleh jadi berlaku, tetapi apakah syarat-syarat yang akan memastikan supaya perceraian itu tidak akan berlaku untuk kali kedua? Mungkinkah model pengembalian semula Hong Kong dan Macau kepada China itu boleh dicontohi? Aku tak pasti. Tetapi jikalau ada kemahuan, pasti ada jalan di situ.

Konflik intra-penduduk: Istilah baru? Tidak. Siapa jua boleh mencipta istilah sedemikian, asalkan kena pada tempat yang sepatutnya. Bagi mereka yang menjadi pemastautin di semenanjung dan pulau di sebelah barat rantau ini, sudah pasti tahu. Bagi mantan Borneo Utara dan bekas jajahan Brooke di sebelah timur Laut China Selatan, aku tidak akan cuba memasuki dua wilayah ini ke dalam perbincangan ini kerana jelas senario di dua belah laut adalah jauh berbeza.

Konflik apa? Bukan, aku bukan menuding jari kepada mana-mana konflik terbuka, tetapi aku juga amat letih dan penat mendengar dan melihat mereka yang masih mahu menyimpan ‘dendam konflik’ sedemikian. Macam-macam label yang hendak dikait-kaitkan terhadap mana-mana kumpulan, baik mereka yang sawo matang, yang kuning dan yang gelap, dengan gelaran binatang haram, kafir, sepet, pisang, hitam dan sebagainya.

Wahai saudara saudari, susahkah untuk mencungkil keindahan di sebalik kepelbagaian kita ini?! Apakah mesej yang kita sampaikan kepada generasi depan kita? Harapan yang cerah atau zaman kegelapan yang mendatang? Kalau anda sendiri, yang mana anda suka? Jangan alpa bahawa segala yang telah dipersetujui oleh bapa-bapa kemerdekaan kita telahpun termeterai dalam Perlembagaan, sudah tidak dapat dipersoal-soalkan lagi! Ini tidak seharusnya menjadi pembelah yang memisahkan sesama kita, bahkan kita sendiri perlu mengawasi arus politik dalam negara yang cuba menjadi pemisah itu (aku enggan menyatakan nama pihak yang mana satu, tetapi pada pandangan aku, dua-dua belah itu pun ada masalah sendiri, tidak ada sesiapa yang sempurna, sudahlah manusia tidak sempurna, apatah lagi sekumpulan manusia?).

Yang sawo matang yang sedar, asalkan saja di tanah semenanjung ini mahupun di sebelah timur Laut, mereka bukannya ada pilihan lain, malah mereka juga ada kehampaan yang walaupun dinyatakan secara jujur tetapi dinafi lain.

Yang kuning yang masih merungut tak henti, segala yang asasi sebenarnya terpelihara, bukannya dihalau atau dipulau. Sebenarnya masih boleh pergi dengan lebih jauh lagi, melepasi ‘kurungan’ yang dicipta oleh …. diri sendiri. Ya, diri sendiri! Cuba nilailah diri, apakah yang telah anda lakukan dalam memainkan peranan dalam masyarakat sebegini yang telah menjadi takdir-Nya, selain daripada terus menyertai mereka yang sama-sama merungut benda yang sama?

Yang gelap, sebenarnya perangai anda dalam komuniti ini adalah amat dipuji. Anda mudah bergaul. Yang sedihnya ialah ‘perbalahan’ sesama sendiri, yang masih mahu membeza-bezakan latar belakang dan asal usul diri untuk menentukan kedudukan dalam masyarakat diri.

Yang lain, aku tidak banyak komen, padahal mereka yang berkahwin campur itu memang jauh lebih awal mudah bergaul, mereka di seberang timur Laut itu tak kisah sangat, asalkan dapat bertutur bahasa kebangsaan, sama-sama menjadi sahabat. Syabas dan teruskanlah.

Ke manakah kita yang 25 juta di Malaysia dan hampir 4 juta di Singapura menghala?

Selamat Hari Malaysia buat warganegara Gagasan Malaysia, baik yang sekarang dan akan datang mahupun yang dahulu.

Jata Malaysia dari 16 September 1963 sehingga 8 Ogos 1965

Sunday, April 18, 2010









Friday, April 16, 2010

我的天空我的梦 My Sky My Dream

旋律在我脑海中 不知不觉地在转动
In my distant memories
The melody keeps on replaying

我的心随着感觉走 节拍也跟着走
My heart follows what it feels
So does the music beat

回想我的小时候 钢琴声会让我感动
Looking back when I was a kid
Touched by the piano rhythm

好想靠近也很想懂 却没机会碰
Oh I wish to get close to know
Never had a chance to touch it

只能躲在角落 听别人的弹奏
Only able to hide in the corner
Listening to them play the piano

安慰自己说 我会不同
I console to myself
I will be different!

有我的天空我的梦 我的未来不是梦
There will be a sky of mine, my dream
My future is not a dream

我没有别人富有 但我能坚持到最后
I may not have what others do
But I will strive until the end

为我的天空我的梦 创出自己的天空
For my sky, for me dream
I shall colour my own sky

I will until the end

Not relax in my journey

我会一步一步走 不会轻易的放松
I will step up in every step I take

Monday, February 1, 2010

Have I Been Too Late?

Sitting in front of the laptop
Drinking the best of soy protein isolate
Hitting my fingers on the keyboard

It’s that time again
The New Year seemed to have only begun yesterday
And yet it’s already the final day of the month
Really had me wondering…

Three weeks ago
I was chilling out
At the beaches of Port Dickson
With a large group of comrades
It was fun I haven’t experienced
For a long, long time
Amidst the joy and laughter
All the craziness
Recorded into a video
Recaptured the moments on Facebook
Three days ago

I begin to wonder
Where would I be
Had I not embraced this circle of friends?
Would I ever get to discover
The magical wonders of the Creator
Bestowed upon mankind
That enabled me to utilize them
To incorporate such knowledge
Into a mission
To set out to alert their unawareness
Of what they have been given by Him

Would I ever get to explore
The yet to be discovered potential in oneself
That is able to surpass its conventional form
Would I ever get to have people
Who will readily listen to you
When all others
Have almost buried their heads
Deeper and deeper into the abyss of nowhere
With hardly any time
To care to listen to people
Other than their own selves

I don’t know…

Four days ago
I drove my only sibling
To a place
For him to further shape his future
It struck me then
Although just merely an hour’s drive
From my hometown
But I am at least three hours away
The closely linked trio of the family
Are now nothing more
Than just scattered sand

Worry crept upon me
She’s almost sixty
And I’m just into my second year
Of my future-shaping exploration
Have I been too late?

The words of the Forest-Sea-Peak:
“As long as one continues
To do the correct thing
And in the right direction
There’s bound to be results”

This belief entrenched in my mind
No doubt
Please, give me the strength I want
I can’t afford to wait any longer
I want to be free
From the woes and worries
Of the mundane world
I want to go home
To where she awaits
To where my comrades await
I want to see the world
To capture and experience myself
What they did
It is not that the moon out there is rounder or brighter
It’s about LIFE!
It’s about enjoying what was bestowed upon us!
It’s about being magnificent as an Earth resident!
Not to just being a mediocre
In the confines of a small room or house

Preach me any doctrine you may
Of being able to accept what it may come
Or what we have
Such people keep saying the same words
“He is testing us
We must be patient while overcoming them”
But haven’t you seen it?
The test as to find out
Why are you so subjected to your current life?
Why are you so subjected to simply accept:
“Oh, this may come sooner or later”
You don’t do what you preach, damn it!

I was never a firm believer of a certain faith
But I go by the first principle of the Rukunegara
Every single day I continue to remain in this circle
Every moment I spent in Bugis every Wednesday
Every moment I spent in Woodlands every Friday
Every moment I spent in Genting Highlands every 3 months
Every moment I spent with my comrades in Petaling Jaya and Puchong
And every split of a second I listen to what I play
From my laptop or my phone
My beliefs in God’s existence
And his wondrous creations
Are getting more firmly rooted
Especially from the day I started to embrace the circle
And I’m very glad I accepted it
Thank God...

I want to let loose
But after all those moments I spent
I knew one thing
I had to rein in
For all those which my comrades have told me
Thank you for your words
To strengthen me further
To face future challenges
Change is vital
Every small change I make

Friday, January 1, 2010

If You Can Dream

There is a world where hope
And dreams can last for all time
A wondrous place to go
You'll know it when your heart finds

Hearing our song as old as rhyme
Hold my hand we're gonna fly
What a magic ride
And just a kiss away

If you can dream
The wish we're making
On a star is coming true
The colours of the wind will lead
My heart right back to you

'Cause if you can dream
Reflections in a diamond sky
Come shining on true
Romance will always be so new
And love will save the day
If you can dream

Someday my prince will come
It's certain as the sun rise
One day the slipper fits
Then you see the love in his eyes

It's a tale as old as time
There's no mountain we can't climb
When you're finally mine
And just a kiss away

If you can dream
The wish we're making
On a star is coming true
The colours of the wind will lead
My heart right back to you

'Cause if you can dream
Reflections in a diamond sky
Come shining on true
Romance will always be so new
And love will save the day
If you can dream

So the story goes
Never die the rose
There's a whole new world
Waiting there for us
(Waiting just for us)

If you can dream
The wish we're making
On a star is coming true
The colours of the wind will lead
My heart right back to you

'Cause if you can dream
Reflections in a diamond sky
Come shining on true
Romance will always be so new
And love will save the day
Love will save the day
If you can dream

A New Breath...

New Year
How did you celebrate it?
Once ago, I, like the majority
Would be counting down that last few seconds
And then, like the majority
Watch the display of fireworks
And then, that’s it
Just for that few seconds

7 January 2009
Was one of those official key turning points in my life
It jolted me
What have I been doing all this while?
If I continued to be doing what I’ve been doing in the past
What will I be doing in the future?
It had me thinking a lot that time

2009 has passed
Tribulations and challenges have come and went
In various shapes and sizes
In different forms and colours
But in the midst of these
Hundreds of hands were held out
By people who I never knew
People who I only got to know for not even more than a year
People who are perceived by those out there to be deceivers

God was wise
Fate had it
He dictated it
That I know them
Praise to God
For giving me some of the best gifts in my life
They are just like any other normal humans
It’s just the way they talk
The way they behave
Are different from the rest
My life was driven by the wise words from them
My heart was touched by their willingness and sincerity

Looking back
2010 may be just another new year
Any day is just another brand new day
Regardless of which year it may be
“Happy Birthday” to me, I might say
And I’m another brand new person on any day

Lighting up a lotus-shaped candle
With lips chanting 6 characters repeatedly
The trembles of the chant
Sending the blood gushing in my clasped fingers
The heart feels at peace
The mind is empty
Nothing but senses being calmed
To cleanse the soul of unfavourable thoughts
To set my mind at ease
For a new start
A new lease of life
And I’m reborn
To unleash what has being smothered inside
To change the world
Peace… Freedom… Hope…

Rebirth to charge again
To unlock the chains
To draw upon more colours into life
To feel the soul that it was meant to feel
To dream the dreams I want to dream
Be the dreams in the snows of Alaska
Or in the lights of Las Vegas
The deserts of Dubai, the autumn of Tokyo
The romance of Paris, the lush greenery of Lakeview
Together with faces of the people
Who are part of what gave a new breath into my life

Truly though seem to be surreal
This world can be so magical…