Sarina Dewi Chellaiah: “Ya, saya tahu saya memang gila, tapi saya bukan bodoh!”
A lot of people may not display it outwardly in front of me, but whether they are sneering or jeering at me behind my back, I don’t know. Only He knows. Only I know what am I doing and why am I doing it. I don’t simply just thrust myself into it just because I was invited to. I myself personally have declined the inviter before. Even I was surprised myself when I made the turnabout 2 weeks later after a life-changing incident. I believe that He had decreed that I go through it to see for myself what more lies ahead in store for me.
Nazlee Abdul Aziz: “In every adversity, there lies an opportunity.”
Some envy at me for having seen through it at such a short time. For me, I am human just like anyone else. I have my own dignity to be aware of, not to allow it to be simply trampled upon. I have my own sense to what it really means to be a human, an individual. I am not about to rest my present laurels in a comfort zone. Not especially when I am the main pillar for support. Some may count themselves lucky for having elder brothers and sisters who bring home the cash, but definitely this doesn’t mean that they don’t have to worry about themselves.
“What will you do if the world collapsed on you one day? Are you prepared for it?”
No doubt, this is my primary concern ever since I entered working life. The main pillar of support must not be anyhow affected. The primary reason why I chose to do it – to strengthen the pillar itself. To seek the life I have always wanted. I am dignified like anyone else is supposed to be; I have my own right to live the life I wanted, to pursue my dreams. Once you retire and you can live the life you want? Yes, but when exactly? When I’m more than 50 years old? How long can I still live? Only He knows how long I can continue to live. But if I happen to be gone before I can really live my life, would it still be meaningful?

郑文风: “人来到这世界上总要死,但是是以什么的方式去死呢?……人死有四大结果;20%的人死得不瞑目、60%的人死得不了了之、10%的人死得心安理得、10%的人死得无怨无悔”
郑文风: “苏格拉底先生曾说过:满大街的人30岁都是死的,60岁才埋的!人过了30就再也没有了梦想,再也没有追求。”
李防之: “人生有两件事;一个是做多过享受,一个是享受多过做。”
Dr. Abdul Aziz Kechil: “What is it that you want in life?”
白君毅: “成功者是去想尽办法去增加收入,失败者则是缩小梦想去配合收入。”
The saddest reality in life, most people tend to no longer dare to dream after they pass their thirties. Why? Dreams are supposed to drive one’s direction in life. Without dreams, where are we? Where have we gone to? At crossroads without signboards? I have experienced that since about 1 year before I exited the doors of ivory tower. Where to? How to go about it? Is this really the path I’m going to take? I had no concrete answer then. It was depressing.
郑文风: “人生是计划出来的。前半段没有计划好,这一段就注定补前半段的课。你再往后面拖,再往后面推,更多难题会等着你。”
Zulkifli Malek: “Saya bukannya bekerja, tetapi saya DIKERJAKAN!”
罗芳民: “我的伙伴晓得即使他是专业人士,但和巴刹的auntie没有两样!有做就有,没做就没有。”
Is what you are doing now worth it? Is what you have now and what you have achieved worth the efforts you have put in? How much exactly is one worth? Every single one of us is irreplaceable, every single one of us is unique in his or her own way. For centuries, 80% of the people have subjected themselves to a fate of being undervalued.
Amy Chew: “成功速度等于改变速度”
黄桂珠: “一个人的成功在于改变,一个人的失败在于等待”
黄静陶: “改变很痛苦,但不改变更痛苦!”
郑文风: “成功只有一个理由,不成功可以有一千万个理由。人生只有三天;昨天、今天和明天。昨天已经过去,明天还没到来,但是今天一定要想好才过。有三件事不能等;孝顺不能等、孩子的教育不能等、自己的成功不能等。”
Liew Rik Foong: “Who we are today are the results of the decisions we made yesterday. Who we are tomorrow are the decisions we have made today.”
佛陀: “我们现在的一切都是过去思想的结果”
Ng Pik Lai: “Success belongs to those who believe.”
Saleha: “Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”
Richard DeVos: “You’ll never know what you might accomplish until you try. That truth is so simple that some people completely overlook it.”
That’s right. We decide. Succeed or not? Success is meant for everyone, but have we seized the right opportunity to achieve it? There are many opportunities out there, but which is worth it? Which has the clearest results and the least uncertainties? Why opt for a path that will cause you to forsake your freedom, the most personal thing to every one of us, in the long term?
郑文风: “很多人都怕老,是因为怕老了没故事。还记得你爷爷的爷爷的名字吗?如果不记得,就证明我们这几代没有好好努力过。一代又一代不努力,就这样草根。如果我们这一代不做出改变,我们为什么还给下一代生人手?”
理查•狄维士: “辉煌的传统可以继承,但辉煌的成就要靠自己创造。”
Has it not come across to your mind that you wanted a life full of glamour, a life that will continue to allow you to remain a legacy to your descendants, a life full of stories and valuable lessons for them to learn and look upon?
A lot of people have come and go. Those who have continued to stay know one thing, what they are doing is worth the effort they have put in, including those who have passed their 60s, 70s and 80s. They still have dreams, they still have life goals to pursue, they realize they still have much more to achieve in life than just idling their lives away.

林海峰: “(很多人)已经不知道自己有多么了不起,已经不知道在未来可以有多大的成就……”
郑文风: “人生最凄惨的是一觉睡到天亮,两眼望着天花板,真的不知道该干点什么!”
Those who have left failed to see the bigger picture. They have forgotten what they have came for. Ask yourself: Which flight of steps towards success does not have its obstacles? There’s no free meal in this world. Other paths equally have their obstacles, but are the destinations clear enough? I had my challenges, just like anyone else, just like anyone up at the top who have tirelessly continued to encourage for people like me to not give up ascending the hike. Every obstacle must be overcome, they have done it before and everyone else needs to go through the same way. I dared not to be among those who have left and gave up, for I know only one thing: If I gave up, I will return back to the days where I got lost, where I would have been among the 60% to spend away my time doing something that may not guarantee me a secure future, where I would have lost the ability to dream. I would be nothing short of a sorrowful individual to continue to be among the 80% to slog out my entire life for the richer 20%. My life would have been short of being meaningful and full of colours.
傅后坚: “我不管你的条件,我不管你的能力,我也不管你多厉害,假设你不相信,你是不可能成功的。”
P.W. Chew: “你这一生有没有赢过?不要输得很惨!”
李防之: “当你有梦想的时候,你永远看不到挑战!我相信总有一天,你也会跟我一样,从没有做到什么都有!”
I have found more than what’s worth coming into this circle. A circle which I have always wished for, the spirit of comradeship continues to lie within, to continue to encourage every single individual to spur on, to unleash the potential within, to continue to inculcate the spirit that says: YOU CAN DO IT! No one shall dissuade me from doing what’s worth, I have gotten tired and do not wish to get tired any further from the harshest realities of the environment of the 80%, but I, like everyone else in this circle, will continue to invite everyone we cared for to join us together on the cruise, to continue to seek for the most beautiful things we have dreamt for. Every single individual is by his or her own, independent, special, unique and wholly respected in this circle. No one is above or below the other. The camaraderie that we shared shall continue to remain part of a life laden with colours and legacies……